You have a home, bank accounts, shares and superannuation and then you have an accident which results in you suffering loss of legal capacity. Medical bills are mounting and you need care. Who looks after your financial affairs if you have not appointed an attorney?
The answer is someone close to you can make an application to the Guardianship Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to be appointed to handle your financial affairs. NCAT may not appoint that person and instead can appoint the NSW Public Guardian or NSW Trustee and Guardian to handle your financial affairs.
Simple solution is to appoint an attorney (of your choice) to handle your financial affairs in the event you suffer loss of mental capacity. Accidents happen as do medical conditions which can affect your mental capacity.
If you own a home, have superannuation, a bank account, or any other assets (or liabilities) you need to appoint an attorney.
Now is the time to Plan. Don’t leave it until it is too late!
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